Second and Third ImageInLife Conference were organized jointly in Seignosse (France) from 27 September to 12 October 2018.
The programme started with 2-day workshop on Scientific Communication and Fundraising (27-28 September 2018) given by Dr. Ralf Dahm.
The 4-day summer school on Modelling and simulation of biological development organized by Dr.René Doursat (P8) and his colleagues took place from 29 September to 2 October.
ESRs together with UNITWIN Complex Systems-Digital Campus (under the supervision of Nadine Peyrieras and Paul Bourgine) organized the very first ImageInLife e-conference on 3 October. International speakers gave their presentations online and people connected (around 30 in total) were able to ask questions via virtual conference room. Conferences was live streamed worldwide and recorded!
A workshop on « How to produce a MOOC? » was given to ESRs by FUN (France Université Numérique) on 4 October where the first draft of future ImageInLife MOOC was prepared.
These joint conferences ended by 7-day workshop : Functional Microscopy for Biology (MIFOBIO) from 5 to 12 October. All ESRs presented posters at this international meeting and most of them prepared workshops for other participants.