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ImageInLife in Heidelberg for European Researchers’ Night 2019!
- European Researchers’ Night!
- ImageInLife booth from up
- Zebrafish embryo game
- Our ESRs in action
- Antonia explaining science to the visitors
- Valerio in the booth
- Boys excited about real time processing of their own images
- Matteo building Lego light sheet microscope with children
- ImageInLife
Outreach conference « EU support for research »
ImageInLife, together with French Embassy in Slovakia and Comenius University Science Park, organized outreach conference « EU SUPPORT FOR RESEARCH – EXPERIENCE OF ImageInLife PROJECT! » in the frame of Midterm review meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia on 19th February 2019.
The conference dealt with EU fundings for research and mobility. 14 ImageInLife PhD students and ImageInLife researchers talked about their experience of being a part of an European Training Network. EU programmes for R&I as well as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions were presented by Slovak National Contact Points for Horizon 2020.
- Opening
- NCP presenting MSCA
- Euraxess presentation
- Annemarie Meijer and her EU projects’ experience
- Tamara Sipka
- Salomé Munoz Sanchez
- Radek Gora
- Mageshi Kamaraj
- Hanh Nguyen
- Antonia Weberling
- Markjoe Uba
- Seol Ah Park
- Matteo Bernardello
- Valerio Laghi
- Joel Dokmegang
- Laurent Thomas
- Polycarp Okock
- Svetlana Jovanic
- Wrap-up
ImageInLife coordinator receiving high school students
Georges Lutfalla (University of Montpellier) receiving high school students in the lab and explaining them the major questions about bio imaging in December 2018.
ImageInLife at Leiden Science Family Day
Annemarie Meijer (University of Leiden) organized a zebrafish demonstration at Leiden Science Family Day on 6 October 2018: Fishing for knowledge about diseases.
Our ESRs are mentoring the interns!
ESR1 Tamara Sipka (UM) receiving an intern in the lab in March 2018.
Preparing the flagship outreach activity of ImageInLife
Bringing state-of-the-art fluorescence confocal microscopy to the class room:
Students from Montpellier High School « Lycée Joffre » and from the first year of Science Faculty of University of Montpelier, are building their first Lego SPIM Microscope