Project 4

Cell dynamics and genetic regulation in the zebrafish hindbrain morphogenesis

Supervisor: Dr Monique Frain, co-supervisors: local: Dr. Nadine Peyriéras, external: Dr. Pablo Loza (P6)

Objectives: Build a mechanogenetic model to characterise the processes underlying the segmentation of the hindbrain from the in vivo observation of cell behaviours and optomanipulation of signalling activities.

  • Decipher the underlying genetic, molecular, cellular and biomechanical
  • Investigate tissue biomechanics.
  • Assess the multilevel consequences of RA signalling activation
  • Monitor the role of FGF8 in fgf8 mutants through the in vivo 3D+time imaging and automated tracking of rescued cells (optogenetic activation of FGF8 expression).
  • Challenge a mechanogenetic model designed in WP4 in collaboration with P8 (MANCHESTER MET).

Expected Results:

  • Characterise the cell behaviours shaping the zebrafish hindbrain and the cellular individual and collective response to genetic perturbations.
  • Validate our predictive understanding of the hindbrain morphogenesis in normal and pathological conditions with a mechanogenetic model (WP4) integrating cell motility, proliferation, adhesion, signalling and gene expression dynamics.


  • academic: P1 UM Dr G Lutfalla, Screening new mutants and transgenic lines P8 Manchester Met R Doursat, Designing a mechanogenetic model, parameter space exploration
  • industrial: P11, PhaseView, Dr I Lyuboshenko, Imaging solution and optogenetic manipulation. P14 Union Biometrica, Dr D Strack, Microfluidics.

Links to other projects: Collaboration with ESR1 (reporters), ESR6 (developmental processes) ESR10 for microscopes, ESR12 for Modelling and with ESRs 14 for incubation chambers.